April 2024

What do GenZers really want?

Let’s delve into the labyrinth of research conducted by the strategy consulting leader McKinsey and Company and unearthed a fascinating revelation: regardless of age, employees are all chasing similar dreams at work. Whether you’re a Gen Z trailblazer, a Millennial maverick, or a seasoned Gen X expert, the pursuit of fair compensation, career growth, and supportive leadership remains constant.

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Influencing People: The Final Piece of the M.A.P. Method

New Age Leadership is about captivating hearts, inspiring minds, and energizing individuals towards a common goal. It’s about serving people through your leadership, guiding them on a journey of growth and transformation. However, this final piece of the puzzle is the trickiest one to master. Because people are not things. People are emotional beings that don’t always follow reason or make sense.

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Mastering Actions: The Next Step in the M.A.P. Method

In the journey towards leadership excellence, we are overstimulated to take action. We conduct hundreds of tasks every week. The amount of work we get done nowadays is so large, that it can be completely overwhelming. That’s why are need to demystify the meaning of the word action. According to my M.A.P to success, it’s not just about taking any action – it’s about taking inspired action that aligns with our goals and true purpose.

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Join Me at the New Age Leadership Retreat

In the fast-paced, digitally enabled times we live in, doing business has never been easier. Yet, it has never been harder to take time to reflect and think big. Personally, my creativity flows when I am disconnected, recharged, outside of my regular environment. However, these sudden splashes of inspiration and creativity are rare moments of bliss. They cannot be predicted. They come and go. But what if we could create an environment designed to get the best out of your life and business? What if we could design an experience that extracts the leadership essence out of you and transforms it into clear actions?

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